It has been estimated that up to 20% of our nation's population suffers from one of the following five addictions:
CHEMICAL (substance, including alcohol)
abuse represents the largest number of addictive problems. The total
cost in terms of family breakdown, loss of productivity, injury and
death is staggering. Over 80% of all crime is traceable to addictions
and substance abuse. Traffic fatalities, assaults, murders, suicides,
rapes, spousal and child abuse, lung cancer and heart disease can all be
linked to substance abuse.
disease of addiction is multi-factorial having genetic, metabolic,
environmental, psychological and spiritual components. Addictions are
our way to compensate for not feeling good about who we are. We seek
temporary feelings of being satisfied and peaceful through substances or
activities. With the intense pressure we feel in this society to
succeed, many individuals seek temporary sensation of feeling good in
order to suppress the pressure placed upon us in everyday life